The Bequest Legacy - Chapter 1.9

With the aspirations set, Rileys starts working on his art one

Blake works on his chess skills with Eric. Their dad watches and helps them with the moods

They make a homework club and a bunch of kids show up at the house to do their homework

Aubrey got another promotion and she got a makeover immidiately after. She decided to stop trying to hide her ears, no one seems to care that her kids have elf ears and so Aubrey wasn't afraid to show her true self anymore

Another day of school, done and dusted

The homework club are done with their homework it seems

Eric: Hey look at me! I'm upside down!

Eric is well on his way working through the Rambunctious Scamp aspiration

One of the kids wanted to be read to, so Tucker took it upon himself to sit down with all the kids and read to them

Most of the kids things are outside because the house is way too small, but on nice days it's good for the family to get together

Blake: Potions are hard, I don't think I'm going to pass chemistly

Riley: Just join painting class

Blake: I don't like painting either, I think I'll do sports

Riley: Sports doesn't sound like fun

Eric: I think I'm going to stick to painting

So we threw this party for Tucker to age up into an adult at the park... and well

Aubrey: Something's happening behind me isn't it?

Tucker: Oh no

Tucker: I aged up before I got to the cake... Aubrey, I'm sorry you went of your way to throw me this party and now...

Aubrey: Don't worry about it 

Tucker: I love you

Aubrey: Happy Birthday and I love you too

Even though there was no blowing out of candles, the party still went on

Father Winter: I was told there would be cake

Tucker: Well I guess you can still eat the cake

Aubrey spent some time with some of the other women at the park

Today is Founders Day. On every 2nd of Summer they celebrate Aubrey becoming the founder of this legacy

Geoffrey: What is a legacy?

Aubrey: It's basically what I'm a part of. My family will grow and I'm the founder of my own legacy. 

Aubrey: It's why we have the voice-in-our-head and why I was able to meet Tucker

Aubrey: I wouldn't have it any other way... now let's open presents

Riley got a violin, he needs it for his aspiration

Tucker heads to the Gym to work on his aspiration, Bodybuilder

The house... if you want to see it

He completes his aspiration and chooses Big Happy Family as the new one

He's moving up in the ranks of his job as well, he takes the professional athlete path

If you didn't notice, Geoffrey has changed himself to Grey. I think it's a sleeker look

Aubrey get's promoted again and chooses the Mechanical Engineer path

Tucker loves reading to his kids
