The Bequest Legacy - Chapter 1.8

Having three toddlers is hard work

But it is also soooo cute

What are you doing? Maybe you should get back inside before you freeze?

Blake: Gah?

Time for an upgrade on Geoffrey

Geoffrey: What is this?

Riley: Gah?

Yeah, they can't talk yet

Everyone is asleep! Goals!

Eric I don't think playing in the toilet is a good idea

The three boys were left at home with Geoffrey, but he ran out of power and had to recharge

Luckily for him they are all watching the television

Tucker is home with a promotion and a new "uniform"

Tucker: Great... the kids aren't even being watched

Geoffrey: On the contrary, I have sensors while I am charging and I know exactly what is going on in this room at all times

Tucker: Welp. That's kind of creepy

Beach day!

Apparently Eric and Blake just wanted to babble at each other instead of making sandcastles

Even Geoffrey joined in

Aubrey: It's such a nice day to be at the beach

Tucker: Yeah it's the best day

Geoffrey: I'm not sure if I like this "water"

Aubrey: The salt water doesn't seem to be doing you any damage, that's good

Aubrey: The boys are loving the water

Tucker: Yeah

Tucker: You know, we concieved them while out in the water here, maybe that's why they like it?

Aubrey: Shut up

Tucker: Haha

The boys had a great day out

Aubrey: We should probably head home

They got home and watched the new years countdown that night

Aubrey: Happy New year!

Guess who's birthday it is?

The triplets, they tried to get them to age up together but Blake wanted to go first

Blake got the Self-Assured trait and the Whiz Kid Aspiration

Riley got the Cheerful trait and the Artistic Podigy Aspiration

Eric got the Hot Headed trait and the Rambunctious Scamp

They had a lot of fun at the park

The boys go to school the next day and come back looking like a boy band haha



  1. I never knew Servos could stand in the ocean?!

    1. I honestly think he wasn't in deep enough so the game didn't recognise that he was in water

      Thanks for reading!


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