The Bequest Legacy - Chapter 1.11
Birthday time!
Blake, Self-Assured and now Active. He has the Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration
Riley, Cheerful and now Goofball. He has the Master Actor aspiration
Eric, Hot Headed and now Evil. He has the Public Enemy aspiraiton
and Riley
Riley: Hey Voice, how's it goin?
Well, thanks, how are you?
Riley: Oh great! I'm finally going to pursue my dream of becoming a famous actor
Good Luck!
Theres not much to do at the house, as it's so small, so the kids just work out most of the time
Which takes up the equiptment and Tucker can't work out
The family head down to the makers square, where Aubrey first met Tucker. (This is a place LilSimsie made, I'm playing on her save)
They went down there with the hopes of finding some stuff in the dumpsters to sell
Eric: What are you trying to be? A barbie? "Look at me I'm a barbie"
Sara: Excuse me?
Sara: How rude! I'm not staying around here to be insulted
Eric: Yeah! I made her leave
With Riley finally having some room, he works on his acting
Riley: For art thou romeo... wait.. no that's not right... ugh
Eric: Look at me in my yellow dress, I'm just a ray of sunshine on this shitty day
Keri: What? Are you talking to me?
Otto: Do you wanna start something kid?
Eric: Sorry ma'am...
Keri: What is that?
Keri: brkjndbfiejpa
Eric: Hahaha that was great!
Eric: Ah... hi guys!
Keri: Guys, this kid is hilarious!
Eric: I ah...
Otto: You're great kid! A real comedian
Guy in blue shirt: Are you doing shows somewhere?
Lady in red hat: Can I get an interview?
Eric: Ummm...
Girl in the back: Heyyy!
Eric: What do you want? I try to be evil towards people and they love me? How am I going to get everyone to hate me this way?
Girl: Dunno, but keep it up! It's great!
Blake: You're going to conquer the biggest mountain sim kind has ever seen!
Blake: Who am I kidding, I'm scrawny and couldn't even get up the first part of the mountain
Don't give up, you can get there with hard work
Blake: Thanks voice
The bins were finally filling up, Geoffrey was the first to go diving
Geoffrey: I'm not sure what I am meant to be looking for, Aubrey has only said to grab things that look expensive. I see nothing of the sort in this mess
The kids join in with the diving and they get a few thousand dollars worth of stuff
Beach day!
The whole family goes swimming and snorkling
Blake: Is dad alright?
Eric: He's fine, he saw the dolphins and was trying to follow them
Riley: Yo dad! You're swimming right at us
Aubrey: Tucker!
Aubrey: He didn't even notice we were here
Blake: We should probably head back, I'm turning into a prune
Eric: Yeah me too
Beachcombing as a family! They all head home after this
The next day the family go to the park
Aubrey: Please be my Sim of Honor?
Teulia: Of course I will!
Aubrey: Yes!
Aubrey: Thank you!
Geoffrey: What is this "Sim of Honor"? I thought we were here to celebrate a birthday?
Riley: It's a sim that's part of a wedding, mum invited all her friends to her party to ask them to be part of her wedding while they're here
Aubrey: You're the best!
Aubrey: What can I wish for...
Aubrey: Hmmm, I know...
Aubrey: They didn't blow out! Riley, was this you?
Riley: No mum, I didn't do anything
Aubrey: I'll try again
Aubrey: There we go
Riley: Told ya
Eric: She knows you too well though, if it was one of us it was most likely you
Riley: Shut up
Blake shows up at the last minute, on his phone, not paying attention
Aubrey: Oh, I'm all tingly
Aubrey: That wasn't so bad
Aubrey: And I'm still hot!
The founder is an Adult now... it's moving too fast haha (I also have MCCC and I have their lifespans slightly longer)
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